Hokie Bucket List

1. Jump to “Enter Sandman” at a home football game.
2. Pass through the tunnel in Lane Stadium and touch the Hokie Stone for good luck.
3. Participate in Virginia Tech’s Relay for Life, the largest collegiate Relay for Life in the world!
4. Leave your impact by making your Senior Class Gift before you graduate!
5. Wear the Tradition - order your class ring!
6. Sit on the edge of the War Memorial Pylons and watch the sunset.
7. Practice our school motto, Ut Prosim (That I May Serve), by participating in The Big Event.
8. Memorize the values of the eight Pylons at the War Memorial: Brotherhood, Honor, Leadership, Sacrifice, Service, Loyalty, Duty, and Ut Prosim.
9. Get a picture with the biggest VT on campus. Hint: it's on the Upper Quad!

10. Give back to Virginia Tech by participating in Giving Day and Impact Week events, such as Thank-A-Donor Day.
11. Honor Virginia Tech’s past and celebrate its present by visiting all 11 historic markers around campus.
12. Experience all four seasons of Blacksburg on the Drillfield - sometimes in the same week!
13. High-five the HokieBird and get a picture!
14. Learn the words to the Virginia Tech Alma Mater, the Old Hokie"Cheer, and Tech Triumph.
15. Find all the gargoyles on campus. Hint: there are 15!
16. Visit the April 16 Memorial and attend an April 16 Remembrance event.
17. Enjoy a picnic at the Duck Pond and see Virginia Tech’s oldest building, Solitude.
18. Celebrate a big win in Lane Stadium with 60,000+ of your closest friends!

28. Meet some of Virginia Tech’s pet ambassadors, like Growley III (aka Stryker), the Virginia Tech Therapy Dogs, or Ringo the Virginia Tech Police mini horse!
29. Receive your class motto, colors, and logo at Sophomore Springfest.
30. Get a parking ticket from Virginia Tech Parking Services. (Let's face it: it's inevitable.)
31. Take a photo in front of the VT flag at TOTS.
32. Participate in 3.2 for 32 Rememberance Run in April.
33. Attend a Black Student Alliance or Virginia Tech Union sponsored concert in Burruss Hall.
34. Support your fellow Hokies by attending or participating in an intramural sports match!
35. Enjoy a late-night Virginia Slice from Benny's!
36. Attend your class Ring Premiere and watch the fireworks on the Drillfield.

46. Cheer on the Ranger Company and touch the game ball before Homecoming.
47. Attend a Downtown Blacksburg sponsored event, such as the Farmers Market, Steppin’ Out, or the Holiday Parade.
48. Visit the Cascades- even better when the Cascades are frozen!
49. Visit the Hahn Horticulture Garden and bring a hammock to relax on.
50. Plan your Hokie Hike to McAfee’s Knob with your friends - make sure to carpool!
51. Study your heart out in the silence of Torgersen Bridge or the bustling noise of Squires Student Center.
52. Rock the vote! Support your favorite candidate by voting for royalty during Homecoming Week.
53. Attend a guest speaker event on campus and learn something new.
54. Get into the true Hokie Spirit and wear orange and maroon Hokie Effect shirts to the corresponding sports events!

64. Visit Mountain Lake, do the self-guided tour of the “Dirty Dancing” movie locations at the hotel, and hike Bald Knob.
65. Take a picture in front of one of the murals on campus or in downtown Blacksburg.
66. Experience a cultural event on campus, such as the Native at VT Spring Powwow, the International Street Fair, Kwanzaa, Pride Week, or Diwali.
67. Play a game of pool or go bowling in the BreakZONE.
68. Visit the Special Collections and University Archives at the Library.
69. Get a picture with a painted HokieBird around Blacksburg. Hint: there are 69 Gobble de Art statues!
70. Participate in any fraternity or sorority philanthropy event. (Panhellenic, IFC, UCFS, NPHC, etc.)
71. Attend a play put on by the School of Performing Arts or attend a performance at the Moss Arts Center.