Tech on Tap: How Our Brains Influence Food Preference

Thursday, June 22 from 6-8 p.m.
Port City Brewing Company
3950 Wheeler Ave., Alexandria, VA 22304
Registration is $10 and $5 is a gift to support the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute General Fund.
Why do we crave certain foods? Join us at the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute to explore how the brain guides food selection and eating habits.
Alexandra DiFeliceantonio is an appetitive neuroscientist who uses multimodal brain imaging and metabolic measures to study food motivation and ask new questions about diet, food choice, and addiction. She will join us for an interactive session with a presentation, Q&A, and an opportunity to talk in small groups during a networking session.
DiFeliceantonio has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Sweet Briar College, where she first became interested in reward learning and motivation. She has a master’s degree and doctorate in biopsychology from the University of Michigan, where she studied how opioids alter motivation in animal models. During her postdoctoral training at Yale University and the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Germany, she examined the role of post-ingestive dopamine signaling in eating behavior and food choices.
Registration is $10 and includes one drink ticket, food, and a $5 gift to support the Fralin Biomedical Research Institute General Fund.
For more information about this event, contact Christi Lineberry at
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