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Legislative Advocacy Archives - 2014

January 2014


Richmond, VA | February 6, 2014

The 2014 General Assembly session is concluding its fourth week, and we are only days away from this year’s Hokie Day on February 6th at the state Capitol.  The General Assembly welcomed 17 new members to the House and Senate, and over 2,300 bills and resolutions were introduced in a matter of days. In addition to passing a new budget, the General Assembly will address serious policy issues including K-12 reform, Medicaid expansion, and mental health reform.

Virginia Tech and the higher education community are very grateful for former Governor McDonnell’s commitment to ensuring access and affordability to Virginia’s two and four-year colleges and universities, as demonstrated in the recent unveiling of his proposed 2014-2016 Executive Budget.

Virginia Tech’s expected appropriation, as outlined in the proposed Executive Budget, includes $3.4 million for degree incentives, and $588,592 in enrollment growth incentives.  Also proposed is $100,000 to support undergraduate financial aid, and $271,420 to support graduate financial aid. Governor McDonnell once again expressed his support for research at Virginia Tech by including $1.65 million each year to further brain disorder research at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute in Roanoke (VTCRI).

In addition to the proposed executive Budget, Virginia Tech has requested that the operating and capital budget amendments below be considered by the General Assembly:

Neurological and Life Sciences Research (Sen. Edwards, Del. Yost)   $1,000,000 GF

The next frontier of health sciences research are brain disorders - addiction, autism, cerebral palsy, depression, epilepsy, mental retardation, Parkinson’s disease, post-traumatic stress disorder, and traumatic brain injury – which affect more individuals and have greater costs than cancer and heart disease combined. Virginia Tech is positioned to be a national hub of brain research, and additional state support will enhance the already significant economic impact this research brings to Virginia.

Institute for Creativity, Arts and Technology (Sen. Edwards, Del. Yost)   $602,304 GF

The Institute for Creativity, Arts, and Technology (ICAT) is a unique applied research and learning lab focused on preparing students with critical thinking skills in the areas of STEM-H and technology & design, positioning them to be the multi-skilled workers needed to drive economic development in the state. The Institute will be a driver of innovative spin-off technologies and partnerships with organizations that can adapt and succeed in response to critical needs of today’s economy.

Autonomous Vehicle Systems Research (Del. Rust)   $500,000 GF

This request will enable the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) to capitalize on its national prominence and position the Institute to be the premier automated vehicle research center in the country. VTTI is the nation’s second largest university-based transportation research center, having brought nearly 400 jobs to Montgomery County over the last 10 years. These funds will help to increase private sector and federal funding for automated vehicle research that will continue to drive economic development in the commonwealth and position Virginia as a leader in this emerging industry.

Improve Kentland Facilities (Sen. Watkins, Del. Scott)   $7,600,000 GF      

This project calls for replacing six existing dairy science research facilities with three modern facilities that meet the needs of research that supports industry and government. The agency is ready to move forward with design and then to construction.


We hope that you will be able to join us on February 6th, 2014, for our 16th Annual Hokie Day. If you are unable to attend, please consider reaching out by emails or calls to your representatives or friends in the General Assembly to voice support for Virginia Tech’s proposed funding and budget requests. Click here to find out who your legislators are.  

For more information on our Hokie Day activities, or if you have not RSVP’d, please contact Nancy Hagen: (804) 786-8110 or We will begin our activities for Hokie Day at 8:00 a.m. on the 24th floor of the SunTrust Building in downtown Richmond, VA. Those who have registered will receive our full schedule of events via email in the coming days.  Thanks, and we hope to see you at Hokie Day!


2014 Hokie Legislators

The Virginia House of Delegates:

Del. Edward T. Scott● Del. David L. Bulova
Del. Richard Anderson ● Del. Robert D. Orrock Sr.
Del. James E. Edmunds II ● Del. Thomas D. Rust
Del. Johnny S. Joannou


The Senate of Virginia:

Sen. John C. Watkins 
Sen. Mark D. Obenshain
Sen. Phillip P. Puckett


Upcoming Dates:

February 6, 2014: 16th Annual Hokie Day

Questions or Comments? Please contact:

Elizabeth Hooper
Director of State Relations

Betty Lee Robertson
Regional Alumni Programs & Legislative Advocacy

Nancy Hagen
Administrative Staff Assistant