Cornerstone Alumni at Reunion Weekend
Cornerstone Alumni at Reunion Weekend
(Classes of 1971 and earlier)
Cornerstone Alumni are Hokies who graduated 50 or more years ago. These are our most passionate and loyal alumni. We're celebrating Cornerstone Alumni with special events June 8-9. This special group also has access to the entire Reunion Weekend at no additional cost.
Cornerstone Alumni Specific Programs include:
- 7-8 p.m.: Cornerstone Welcome Reception
- All day: Golf at the Virginia Tech Golf Course (green fees apply)
- All day: shuttle services available for Cornerstone Alumni from the Holtzman Alumni Center to Squires Student Center
- 8:30-10 a.m.: Cornerstone Alumni breakfast with college hosted tables
- 10:15-11 a.m.: Brain Drain: Fluid Flow in the Brain: Finding new targets in the tumor microenvironment and to examine cancer and disease in the proper context to properly study outcomes such as tumor invasion, response to chemotherapy, and immunity with Dr. Jennifer Munson
- 11:15 a.m.-noon: Corps of Cadets Upper Quad Tour
- 12:30-1:45 p.m.: Lunch with Major General Fullhart as speaker
- 2-5 p.m.: Moss Arts Center Gallery Open House
- 2:15-3:15 p.m.: A Taste of the Past: Doing Food History at Virginia Tech with Dr. Anna Zeide
- 2:15-4:15 p.m.: Campus Bus Tour
- 5-6 p.m.: Class of 1971 Toast Reception at the Moss Arts Center
- 6-10 p.m.: Cornerstone Alumni evening banquet