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Email and Newsletter Copy

Sample email and newsletter copy

Here's a look at suggested messaging to use in email communications and newsletters.  

Sample email copy

Headlines options: 

Join us for Hokie and Proud Weekend April 5-7! 
🌈Join us for Hokie and Proud Weekend
Celebrate with us at Hokie and Proud Weekend April 5-7 

<<Contact.First.Name>>, Virginia Tech is thrilled to be hosting the first ever Hokie and Proud Weekend April 5-7, and we’d love to see you there! 


The event will honor the contributions of LGBTQIA+ Hokies past and present. It's our time to reconnect, share stories, foster allyship, and keep progress moving forward. Some highlights of the weekend include:

🏠Exploring the Pride Center and Lavender House.
🧡Participating in The Big Event with current students.
👖Commemorating the 45th anniversary of Denim Day at Virginia Tech.
🍷Enjoying Hokie company at meals, trivia, and happy hours.
🎉Celebrating with a drag brunch.

There are just XX days left to take advantage of early bird pricing! The discounted rate lasts until Feb. 23, so make your plans now. Lodging blocks are also available

Let's come together to build community and show our Hokie Pride! Be sure to check back often for updates to the schedule. We can't wait to see you this spring!

Headlines options: 

Join us for Hokie and Proud Weekend April 5-7! 
🌈Join us for Hokie and Proud Weekend
Celebrate with us at Hokie and Proud Weekend April 5-7 

<<Contact.First.Name>>, Virginia Tech is thrilled to be hosting the first ever Hokie and Proud Weekend April 5-7, and we’d love to see you there! 


The event will honor the contributions of LGBTQIA+ Hokies past and present. It's our time to reconnect, share stories, foster allyship, and keep progress moving forward. Some highlights of the weekend include:

🏠Exploring the Pride Center and Lavender House.
🧡Participating in The Big Event with current students.
👖Commemorating the 45th anniversary of Denim Day at Virginia Tech.
🍷Enjoying Hokie company at meals, trivia, and happy hours.
🎉Celebrating with a drag brunch.

Let's come together to build community and show our Hokie Pride! Be sure to check back often for updates to the schedule. Need a place to stay? Lodging blocks are available. We can't wait to see you this spring!

Sample newsletter copy

You don't want to miss Virginia Tech's first Hokie and Proud Weekend, which will include Pride Center and Lavender House open houses, student and alum stories and networking opportunities, trivia night, participation in The Big Event, and the commemoration of the 45th anniversary of Denim Day at Virginia Tech. We will also celebrate with meals, happy hours, and a drag brunch!

Celebrate pride and progress at Hokie and Proud Weekend April 5-7

Join us for an unforgettable weekend of inclusivity, connection, and celebration! This spring Virginia Tech is hosting the first ever Hokie and Proud Weekend to celebrate pride and progress on our campus and in our community. At Hokie and Proud Weekend, we're bringing together the Virginia Tech community to honor the rich history and progress of the LGBTQIA+ community. Registration is open! Make your plans now!

Got questions or requests?

For help using these resources or to request something you don't see in the tookit, please contact Dom Benjamin at