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APIDAS alumni pose for a picture together
  • APIDA + Center: The APIDA + Center supports Asian Pacific Islander Desi American (APIDA) faculty, staff, students, and alumni through advocacy, awareness, community building, and programmatic efforts.
  • Asian American Student Union: The mission of the Asian American Student Union is to serve the Asian/Pacific Islander/Desi American (APIDA) communities within Virginia Tech. It serves as an umbrella organization over the branching undergraduate APIDA organizations.
  • AASU Affiliated Student Organizations: Find a list of affiliated organizations and details about each. 
  • Anti-APIDA Violence Resources: Antiviolence resources can be found online. 
  • Graduate Asian, Pacific Islander, Desi American Association at Virginia Tech: The association is committed to addressing the needs and interests of APIDA graduate and professional students by fostering a space to support inclusion and collaboration while our members are learning, teaching, and researching. GAPIDA strives to provide resources to ensure the academic, professional, and personal success of our members by developing a powerful network of APIDA scholars.
  • APIDA Caucus: The group serves as an advocacy and support group for faculty, staff, and graduate students at Virginia Tech and Blacksburg/NRV community members who self-identify as APIDA, or allies who are interested in participating in conversations relevant to the APIDA community.