Brent Blevins

Brent Blevins is a native of Wythe County, Virginia, and received a bachelor of arts in history and political science from Virginia Tech in 2003. Additionally, he received a master of public administration from Virginia Tech's Center for Public Administration and Policy in 2005. While at Virginia Tech, he served in a number of student organizations, including the Student Government Association, as opinion editor of the Collegiate Times, and as student manger for the men's basketball team.
He has served as a policy staffer on Capitol Hill for more than 15 years, with experience as an aide in the U.S. House and Senate. Outside of his service on the board, Brent has served Virginia Tech as president of the D.C. Hokies Chapter of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association and is a member of the Alumni Board for the Virginia Tech College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences and the School of Public and International Affairs Advisory Board.
In addition to his service to Virginia Tech, Brent has served as a trustee for the Virginia Land Conservation Foundation and as a member of the Alexandria Historical Restoration and Preservation Commission.